Jungle Survival Jurassic Park
- DescriptionJoin in the great awesome multiplayer and campaign Jurassic park jungle. Here you will fight with different models of dinosaurs from milion years ago but is back in the present so survive with your friends in multiplayer or try our offline campaign and enjoy running and shooting there. Have Fun.
- InstructionsWASD or arrow keys to move
Left click to shoot
Right click to scope up
1234 to change weapon
R to reload
Ctrl to prone
C to crouch
Shift to sprint - CategoryMultiplayer
- Urlhttps://www.web-browser-games.com/games/jungle-survival-jurassic-park.html
- Thumbshttps://www.web-browser-games.com/images/games/jungle-survival-jurassic-park/large.webphttps://www.web-browser-games.com/images/games/jungle-survival-jurassic-park/large.jpg
- By
- AddedNov 15 2021 7:38:09 UTC
- Walkthrough video