zig zag classic
- DescriptionZig Zag classic is an online Kids game, it's playable on all smartphones or tablets, such as iPhone, iPad, Samsung and other Apple and android system. Zig Zag classic is a cool and fast-paced 3D arcade game. The game has only one rolling ball and a variety of curves generated at random. The player has only one operation, change the movement direction of the ball by clicking the screen, and try to get high scores.
- Instructionstap screen or click mouse to change the ball direction
- CategoryPuzzle
- Features
- Urlhttps://www.web-browser-games.com/games/zig-zag-classic.html
- Thumbshttps://www.web-browser-games.com/images/games/zig-zag-classic/large.webphttps://www.web-browser-games.com/images/games/zig-zag-classic/large.jpg
- By
- AddedNov 15 2021 7:38:09 UTC
- Walkthrough video